We can smell Christmas and, with it, a well-deserved vacation for the team. This is a key moment to recharge our batteries and think about our new future projects. I want to reflect for a moment with you and analyse how the year has developed. I would like to thank the entire Archivoz team, who are always willing to give their best to continue growing the magazine and be on top of different countries; without this team, the magazine could not function, so thank you very much for all your enthusiasm and endeavour.

 As every year, we also want to thank all our readers and collaborators who have made it possible for Archivoz to continue consolidating its activity, receiving visits from professionals from all over the world.

 We face the new year with the same enthusiasm with which we opened this magazine in 2017 and always with new ideas that we look forward to developing in the coming months.

 For the moment, we are taking a short Christmas vacation until January 8, 2024, and we say goodbye to this 2023 with my favourite interviews and articles, a challenging selection. It would be great if You, our readers, share with us what your favourite readings have been. Please leave your comment in the comments box.


«El patrimonio audiovisual es uno de los legados culturales más importantes con los que cuenta la humanidad»: Mtro. Ubaldo Candia Reyna, documentalista audiovisual

El arte del troquelado: programas de mano del cine en España


“Acho que tem havido um grande esforço por parte das instituições para actualizar os seus sistemas de organização e recuperação de informação, digitalizar acervos, inovar. Todavia, os meios são muito escassos, há uma enorme falta de pessoal e de autonomia, e também de formação, que impedem muitas instituições de serem mais ambiciosas”: Entrevista Teresa Oliveira

Entrevista a Maria Fernanda C. Coelho, Professora, pesquisadora e consultora em gestão de acervos audiovisuais


Ressenya d’elBulli1846: Un museu per reflexionar sobre el coneixement, la innovació i la història d’El Bulli.

Ressenya de l’exposició: “Anglada Camarasa. L’arxiu premeditat”


“There is a tangible tension between what is held in Caribbean archives and what is remembered in Caribbean communities”: Interview with Stanley H. Griffin, of the University of the West Indies

“We must empower the voices we once ignored”: Interview with Lindsay Loebig

Documentary Treasury

The art of die cutting: Film handbills in Spain

40 años del Archivo Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid

Audiovisual Document

“Buñuel y la Literatura”: monográfico revista Turia presentación Residencia de Estudiantes Madrid 25 abril 2023

La colección de cilindros de cera de la Biblioteca Nacional de España

V Archivoz Symposium

V jornadas de archivoz magazine: “archivos para dummies. Los archivos gestionados por no archiveros


Book Review

Reseña de: «Archivos y Archiveros en la literatura y el cine» de Ramon Alberch i Fugueras y Rocío P. Ponce Almeida

Reseña de: « Archivos y derechos humanos. Una perspectiva mundial. de Jens Boel, Perrine Canavaggio, Antonio González Quintana [Ed.]»



Happy holidays and a have an amazing start 2023. We will see you in January 2023

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