Christmas is approaching and with it a well-deserved vacation for the team. I would like to reflect for a moment and analyze how the year has unfolded. I would like to thank the entire Archivoz team who are always willing to do their best to make the magazine grow and be a leader in different countries around the world.

As every year, we also want to thank all our readers and collaborators who have made it possible for Archivoz to continue consolidating its activity, receiving visits from professionals from all over the world.

In the last 12 months, we have published more than 210 entries between articles, interviews, news or editorials that have been read by 200,000 readers throughout the globe and who have accessed our content in the 4 languages ​​in which we have published during 2021. All of this, thanks to the collaboration of more than 100 experts who have visited Archivoz throughout the year to share their experience and talk about all kinds of projects related to document management and archival practice. We want to thank all of them for collaborating with our project and for being a fundamental part of its success.

We face the new year with the same enthusiasm with which we opened this small magazine in 2017, and we do it with new projects underway that we really want to share with you but we want to wait to surprise you.

One of the main changes of this year is that Víctor Villapalos has passed the role of director to me since August 2021, even if Víctor will continue collaborating with us as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). I would like to take the opportunity of this Christmas greeting to thank Víctor for the positive energy and value-added in creating and improving this magazine since 2017. Víctor leaves the bar high and with great enthusiasm and energy, I would like to move forward and continue with the objectives that we have all share in Archivoz.

At the moment, we are taking a short Christmas vacation until January 9, 2022, saying goodbye to 2021 with my favourite interviews and articles. It would be great for you readers to share with us what yours have been leaving a comment below.


“También están aquellos que consideran que la existencia de los pueblos indígenas es fundamental para la existencia de la vida humana”: Entrevista con el Centro de Documentación Indígena No’lhametwet y Wikimedia Argentina

«No todas las entidades tienen los recursos necesarios para afrontar la transformación digital que busca, entre otros, la cercanía con los ciudadanos»: Entrevista a Angélica María Ramírez Agudelo


“Um museu contemporâneo, logo na sua génese, deve as mais das vezes considerar a existência de (pelo menos) um “Centro de Documentação” que será, de facto, o Arquivo correspondente aos acervos do Museu”: Entrevista com Sérgio Lira

Entrevista com Silvestre Lacerda, Diretor-Geral da Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas (DGLAB)


«El llegat de elBulli està plegat de relacions interdisciplinaries»: Entrevista a Ferran Adrià


“An investigative approach grounded in intergenerational participation is key to the preservation of memory”: Interview with Allie Whalen

Revealing watermarks – a remote collaboration between Conservation and Imaging

“Evaluation of scientific research is a very important area of Library and Information Science”: Interview with Yong Zhao, director of Information Research Center of China Agricultural University 

Documentary Jewels

El patrimonio bibliográfico de la Universidad de Barcelona: la Colección del CRAI Biblioteca de Reserva (CRAI Biblioteca de Reserva de la Universidad de Barcelona)

Joias documentais do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1ª Região

Audiovisual Documents

La primera grabación de una voz humana

Canal Archivoz: Investigación iberoamericana en acceso abierto en gestión archivística y documental (Videografía 2000-2021: vídeos en línea)


Enjoy your holidays wishing you a great start for 2022. See you in January 2022.

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