We are leaving this complicated  year 2020 behind, and, like we do every Christmas, we at the Archivoz editorial team want to wish you Happy Holidays and a new year in 2021 full of personal and professional achievement and a speedy return to a long-awaited normalcy. We also want to thank all of the readers and collaborators who have made it possible for Archivoz to continue developing its activities and opening our content to professionals from all over the world.

In the last 12 months, we have published more than 175 entries, including articles, interviews, news and editorials, that have been read by 130,000 visitors from around the globe in all four of our languages of publication. This has all been thanks to the collaboration of more than 80 field experts who have worked with Archivoz throughout the year in order to share their experience and talk about all kinds of projects related to document management and archival practice. We want to thank them all for their participation in our project and for being a fundamental part of its success.

This year has also been very positive in terms of our global reach. We have editorial teams in more countries than in 2019, and have even launched teams in China and the Catalan language. The first publications of both are expected in 2021.

We face the new year with the same enthusiasm with which we inaugurated our small magazine back in 2017, and we do so with new projects in progres. More on those soon. For now, as we take a short Christmas vacation from December 21 until January 4, 2021, we say goodbye to 2020, and we share with you the most widely read interviews and articles of the year in each language. See you around!

Articles in English:

The Coloniality of Dutch Archives: What can be done and on what terms?
Decolonising the Archive: Responsibilities for Researchers and Archive Professionals (Part I)
Decolonising the Archive: Responsibilities for Researchers and Archive Professionals (Part II)

Artículos en español:

«En un escenario como el de hoy, los archivos exhiben todas sus potencialidades»: Entrevista con Carlos Zapata, en tiempos de COVID-19. (Parte I)
«Los archiveros somos «facilitadores» del trabajo de los demás»: Entrevista con Víctor M. Bello Jiménez, archivero y escritor
«Es increíble que muchas organizaciones modernas dejen sus archivos en manos de profesionales que no se han formado para ello»: Entrevista con Arcángel Sánchez (Segunda Parte)

Artigos em portugues:

“Não se faz arquivologia apenas com arquivistas, precisamos de uma sociedade que priorize o conhecimento nas mais diversas áreas”. Entrevista com André Malverdes
“As mudanças na arquivologia são visíveis e exigem uma mudança de paradigma”: entrevista com Clara Kurtz, consultora na área de arquivos
“É inegável que a profissão (arquivista) se desenvolveu bastante, deixando para trás a tutela apenas dos arquivos históricos”: Entrevista com Leonor Calvão Borges

Articolo in italiano:

“Da tempo diverse donne in Biblioteca occupano ruoli di responsabilità”: Intervista con Raffaella Vincenti, Segretario Generale e Responsabile dell’Ufficio presso la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
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