We spoke with Kirsten MacQuarrie, Sector Development Manager at the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland (CILIPS), to discuss the Green Libraries Initiative, what it aims to achieve and how information professionals around the world can get involved.
(Archivoz) Could you tell us a little bit about the Green Libraries Initiative and how it was established?
(Archivoz) What have been some of the key milestones of the initiative?
Another initiative close to my heart was Scotland’s Green Libraries Gathering 2023, a one-day event that took place just as Scotland’s Climate Week blossomed into Green Libraries Week. This online conference was filled with inspiring opportunities for Green Champions to collaborate, connect and reflect on library-led environmental action. Green insights were shared by the National Library of Scotland, Glasgow Women’s Library, Scottish Book Trust, Paperboats, our Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund recipients and more. You can watch the full recording here.
(Archivoz) There was a research element to the initiative, can you share any interesting or unexpected insights?
(Archivoz) What is the Green Libraries Manifesto?
(Archivoz) Can you share a case study from the Green Libraries Initiative?
(Archivoz) What would you say to practitioners who think they need substantial funding or a even new eco building to be considered environmentally sustainable?
(Archivoz) How can people get involved in the Green Libraries Initiative?
Header image is a drawing of Green Libraries Conference by Karl Millett

Kirsten MacQuarrie
Sector Development Manager at CILIP Scotland, Moderator of the Green Libraries Network, and Chair of the Green Libraries Conference 2024 planning committee.

Catherine Gow
Content Editor for Archivoz
Currently working as a Teaching Assistant in Tunbridge Wells

Ayah Al-Rawni
Content Editor for Archivoz
Ayah is an Archivist for the Human Cell Atlas Consortium, and is based at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Her professional interests include digital preservation, scientific archives, advocacy and public engagement.