In recent years, Archivoz has been making structural and internal changes that are now coming to an end, but they have required a great effort from the entire team. We would like to point out as a big change our new and innovative website. Now you can read us in each of the languages we publish in: Spanish, Portuguese, English, Catalan and Italian.
We continue to consolidate our position as an informative medium specialised in archives and document management, mainly thanks to all the readers who follow us every day and read from anywhere in the world.
We continue with the goal of being a multidisciplinary editorial team capable of giving a voice to professionals (archivists, librarians, documentalists, researchers, journalists, etc.) from all over the world. This year we have created a team in China and started publishing in Catalan. With great effort, we are growing in different parts of the world, and we do not want to stop doing so. We are still present in Senegal, Argentina, United Kingdom, United States of America, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, Italy and Asia.
As upcoming events from the magazine, we want to bring to your attention the organisation of our fourth symposium. This year the Portuguese team will lead the symposium organisation and management. So please save the date of November 23rd at 6:00 p.m. (UK time). This year the theme will be the Digital Archives. Don’t miss this event, and it will be in an online format!
Thanks to our global network and the collaboration of so many professionals whom we interview and who publish in our media, we have increased our impact to limits we could not imagine. To all of them and, of course, to our readers: Thank you very much for following us for all these years!
Now, the time has come to take a well-deserved vacation of only two weeks in which, in addition to resting, we will take the opportunity to reflect and gain strength to face all the improvements to the project that we plan to implement in the coming months.
We will return on August 15th with more desire than ever and new content of interest.
See you soon!

Noemi Ortega Raventós
Noemi is a Content Specialist, Archivist for the Qatar Foundation Partnership Programme at the British Library and Director at Archivoz Magazine and Board Member of SEDIC (Spanish Society for Scientific Documentation and Information). She received her MA in Archives and Records Management from ESAGED/UAB (Graduate School of Archival and Record Management/Autonomous University of Barcelona) in 2014. She holds a BA Degree in History and MA in Medieval Studies from UB (University of Barcelona).